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Plans For The Future

In the future I do not see myself running a business of any shape or form. From writing up my business plan, financial forecasting and all of the things that go along side them I have realised that this is not the right path for me. It is clear to me now that I would like to work for a wildlife, travel or nature magazine or company of some sort, as this was also my intentions when I first came into this degree. This is much more appealing to me and I also feel I need that sense of guidance and someone to point me in the right direction as I am not the sort of person who can easily run a business. Even if I am not employed my a certain magazine I would like to do work for multiple magazines, almost work on the side for a few. My practice will hopefully still stay with a theme of nature as I do not see myself working in fashion or portraits or even much studio photography.

That said I do not want to just disregard doing any of my own work, so instead I would much prefer doing my own projects on the side, mainly for pleasure. I may also do the odd job on the side but running my own business is not what the future holds for me.

My personal practice would still revolve around the idea of photographing the relationship between the urban and wild and how the exist alongside one another as this has always been the core of my work and is what I find most interesting. I still want to do exhibitions and create books and work towards making a good photographer out of myself, become well known etc.

In the immediate future I feel that I will have a break from photography and focus more on my part time job and saving up money, then after 6 months to a year I want to be looking for a job in photography. I feel that this break will really help me find out exactly what I want to do and allow me the opportunity to find myself and a place for myself in society. I don't want to rush anything and I want to have some deserved time off after uni.

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